Source Code vs. SDK editions #

Vehicle Physics Pro is available in two fashions:

The references to the VPP components and scripts differ between editions. Switching a project between source code and SDK requires modifying certain files in the Unity project (.unity, .prefab and .asset) to use the proper component references.

Migrating projects between source code and SDK

Please follow these instructions carefully. I've tested the procedure extensively, but migrating the project is a delicate operation that modifies the internal references in the Unity files (.unity, .prefab, .asset) and might render your project unusable!

Prerequisites #

From source code to SDK DLL #

Your project uses the VPP source code (Common Tools Core, Vehicle Physics Core, etc) and you want to switch to the SDK DLL edition.

You should have access to these repositories:

Instructions #

  1. Ensure the Asset Serialization mode is configured as Force Text in your project.

    Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Asset Serialization

  2. Update VPP in your project to the latest version of the source code files.

    Test your project and resolve any issues that may arise here, especially if your project was using an old VPP snapshot (in that case see Vehicle Physics Pro November 2017 Update).

  3. Remove these VPP submodules or folders:

    • Common Tools Core
    • Vehicle Physics Core

    You might need to restart Unity for removing the Plugins folder in Vehicle Physics Core.

    See: How to remove a GIT submodule

  4. Clone or copy the repository Vehicle Physics Pro SDK to your project.

    For now on I'll assume this repository is located at Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk

    Now your project will show missing references to the VPP components.

    If Unity shows errors on duplicated definitions or already used GUIDs it means that some VPP source code files weren't properly removed in the step 3. Ensure to remove them, then restore any changes made in the SDK repository (git reset, or copy it again).

  5. If your project uses the repository Vehicle Physics Sample Assets ensure to check out or copy the master-sdk branch.

  6. Enable the project migration tool:

    • Open the script Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk/Editor/DllProjectUtility.cs in your code editor.
    • The script is commented. Uncomment it.
    • Comment the macro DEBUG_MODE for immediate effect, or leave it uncommented for a first test run. No files are changed with DEBUG_MODE active.
    • If the SDK repository is not located at Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk, edit the DllProjectUtility.cs file and modify the paths for dllPath and sdkPath.
  7. Run the project migration tool from the Unity menu: Tools > Vehicle Physics > Install SDK DLL

    Once the process is completed the references to VPP components will be restored and the project will work normally.

  8. Revert the changes to the DllProjectUtility.cs file for preventing conflicts the next time the repository is updated.

From SDK DLL to source code #

Your project uses the VPP SDK edition (Vehicle Physics Pro SDK) and you want to switch to the Source Code edition.

You should have access to these source code repositories:

Instructions #

  1. Ensure the Asset Serialization mode is configured as Force Text in your project.

    Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Asset Serialization

  2. Update VPP in your project to the latest version of the SDK.

    Test your project and resolve any issues that may arise here, especially if your project was using an old VPP SDK snapshot.

  3. Remove these files and folders (and only these) from the folder where the repository Vehicle Physics Pro SDK is located (Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk by default):

    • VehiclePhysics.dll
    • Editor/VehiclePhysics_Editor.dll
    • Fonts folder
    • Plugins folder (you might need to restart Unity for removing this folder)

    Do not confuse VehiclePhysics.dll with the VehiclePhysics.txt file next to it. Check out the status bar to verify that you're removing the .dll file only.

    Now your project will show missing references to the VPP components.

  4. Clone or copy these repositories in your project:

    • Common Tools Core
    • Vehicle Physics Core

    If Unity shows errors on duplicated definitions or already used GUIDs it means that some VPP SDK files weren't properly removed in the step 3. Ensure to remove them, then revert any changes made to the files in Common Tools Core or Vehicle Physics Core (git reset, or copy them again).

  5. If your project uses the repository Vehicle Physics Sample Assets ensure to check out or copy the master branch.

  6. Enable the project migration tool:

    • Open the script DllProjectUtility.cs in your code editor (located at Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk/Editor by default)
    • The script is commented. Uncomment it.
    • Comment the macro DEBUG_MODE for immediate effect, or leave it uncommented for a first test run. No files are changed with DEBUG_MODE active.
    • If the SDK repository is not located at Assets/Vehicle Physics Pro/Sdk, edit the DllProjectUtility.cs file and modify the paths for dllPath and sdkPath.
  7. Run the project migration tool from the Unity menu: Tools > Vehicle Physics > Uninstall SDK DLL

    Once the process is completed the references to VPP components will be restored and the project will work normally.

  8. Remove the Vehicle Physics Pro SDK submodule or folder completely.

    See: How to remove a GIT submodule