Configuring Realistic Vehicles #

This is a checklist of the main technical specifications you would need out of a real vehicle for configuring them in Vehicle Physics Pro.

Some values are not widely available, but they may be estimated out of other specs and performance data.


For an exhaustive list of technical specifications and measurements that can be configured in VPP check out this Google Spreadsheet.

Automobile Catalog

Mass and center of mass (CoM) #

Engine, transmission and driveline #

Other elements may be present in the driveline, specially in AWD or dynamic-drive setups. Examples: center transfer case, asymmetric (epicyclic) differential, torque splitter (haldex)...

Wheels and suspension #

Detailed suspension specifications aren't typically available. They may be deducted/adapted by watching videos where the vehicle is tested under stress conditions.

Tire friction #

Use the default values as starting point. You can fine tune them later using information from the real vehicle, if available:

A precise configuration requires comparing the real reactions of the vehicle in different situations and fitting the tire friction parameters in the simulation for matching them.

Ideally, the best tire friction data is the one extracted from real tires (i.e. a Pacejka set). The resulting forces divided by the normal load result in the coefficient of friction under each situation.

Aerodynamics #