VPVehicleToolkit #
This component provides a handy set of properties, methods and context menu options exposing the most commonly used vehicle features.
VPVehicleToolkit may also be used to learn how to interact with the vehicle from scripting.
The latest version available in the VPP repositories may already expose more features than those listed here.
Properties #
float speed
float speedInKph
float speedInMph
float engineRpm
float engineLoad
int engagedGear
int automaticMode
bool isEngineStarting
bool isEngineStarted
bool hasEngineStalled
float longitudinalG
float lateralG
float verticalG
float pitch
float roll
float yaw
float pitchVelocity
float rollVelocity
float yawVelocity
float throttlePedal
float brakePedal
float clutchPedal
Methods #
void StartEngine ()
void StopEngine ()
void ToggleStartStopEngine ()
void SetSteering (float steering)
void SetThrottle (float throttle)
void SetBrake (float brake)
void SetHandbrake (float handBrake)
void SetClutch (float clutch)
void SetAutomaticModeM ()
void SetAutomaticModeP ()
void SetAutomaticModeR ()
void SetAutomaticModeN ()
void SetAutomaticModeD ()
void ToggleAutomaticModeP ()
void SetNextAutomaticMode ()
void SetPreviousAutomaticMode ()
void SetGear (int gear)
void ShiftGearUp ()
void ShiftGearDown ()
All methods that don't require arguments are also available via component's context menu.
Source code #
The full source code in VPVehicleToolkit.cs is provided here for reference.
// Vehicle Physics Pro: advanced vehicle physics kit
// Copyright © 2011-2022 Angel Garcia "Edy"
// https://vehiclephysics.com | @VehiclePhysics
// VPVehicleToolkit: useful high-level vehicle tools
// Useful tools, common procedures and common data exposed in a single place.
// Also an example on dealing with the vehicle from scripting.
using UnityEngine;
using EdyCommonTools;
namespace VehiclePhysics
public class VPVehicleToolkit : VehicleBehaviour
[Header("On Vehicle Startup")]
[Tooltip("Start the engine when the vehicle is enabled")]
public bool startEngine = false;
[Tooltip("Press brakes. Note that if the vehicle has other input components, they will override brakes immediately afterwards. Brakes are also pressed if Set Automatic Mode is enabled regardless of this option.")]
public bool pressBrakes = false;
[Tooltip("Specify the default gear mode (P, R, N, D) in Automatic tranmsissions. Brakes are pressed so P mode can be set.")]
public bool setAutomaticGear = false;
[Tooltip("Default gear mode (P, R, N, D) in Automatic tranmsissions. Applied when Set Automatic Gear is enabled.")]
public Gearbox.AutomaticGear automaticGearMode = Gearbox.AutomaticGear.P;
// Private fields
bool m_engineStarting = false;
// Commonly used vehicle data
// The units and the resolution of the data (dividers) are taken from the data bus specification:
// https://vehiclephysics.com/advanced/databus-reference/
// Speed is m/s. Use speedInKph or speedInMph to get the speed in km/h or mph respectively.
public float speed
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.Speed) / 1000.0f;
public float speedInKph
return speed * 3.6f;
public float speedInMph
return speed * 2.237f;
public float engineRpm
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.EngineRpm) / 1000.0f;
public float engineLoad
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.EngineLoad) / 1000.0f;
public int engagedGear
if (vehicle == null) return 0;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.GearboxGear);
// The automatic mode will always be M in manual transmissions.
public Gearbox.AutomaticGear automaticMode
if (vehicle == null) return Gearbox.AutomaticGear.M;
return (Gearbox.AutomaticGear)vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.GearboxMode);
// Return true when the engine is starting but hasn't reached the working rpms yet
public bool isEngineStarting
if (vehicle == null) return false;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.EngineStarting) != 0;
// Returns true when the engine is switched on and running
public bool isEngineStarted
if (vehicle == null) return false;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.EngineWorking) != 0;
// Returns true when the engine is stopped but hasn't been switched off
public bool hasEngineStalled
if (vehicle == null) return false;
return vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Vehicle, VehicleData.EngineStalled) != 0;
// Acceleration readings in G factors
public float longitudinalG
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.localAcceleration.z / Gravity.reference;
public float lateralG
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.localAcceleration.x / Gravity.reference;
public float verticalG
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return vehicle.localAcceleration.y / Gravity.reference;
// Pitch and roll in degrees in range -180..+180
public float pitch
Vector3 angles = vehicle.cachedTransform.eulerAngles;
return MathUtility.ClampAngle(angles.x);
public float roll
Vector3 angles = vehicle.cachedTransform.eulerAngles;
return MathUtility.ClampAngle(angles.z);
// Yaw in degrees in range 0..360
public float yaw
Vector3 angles = vehicle.cachedTransform.eulerAngles;
return angles.y;
// Pitch, roll and yaw velocities in radians per second
public float pitchVelocity
return vehicle.cachedRigidbody.angularVelocity.x;
public float rollVelocity
return vehicle.cachedRigidbody.angularVelocity.z;
public float yawVelocity
return vehicle.cachedRigidbody.angularVelocity.y;
// Start the engine
[ContextMenu("Start Engine")]
public void StartEngine ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// Already started? do nothing
if (isEngineStarted)
m_engineStarting = false;
// The engine start procedure is performed in both UpdateVehicle and FixedUpdateVehicle
// to override any previous settings coming from other input scripts.
m_engineStarting = true;
// Stop the engine
[ContextMenu("Stop Engine")]
public void StopEngine ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// Move the ignition key to Off
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Key, -1);
// Start or stop the engine based on current state.
// Useful for implementing a toggle start/stop button.
// Also, if the engine is stalled then restarts it.
[ContextMenu("Toggle Engine On/Off")]
public void ToggleStartStopEngine ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
if (!isEngineStarted || hasEngineStalled)
// Steering and pedals
// Units, ranges and resolution (multipliers) are defined in the data bus specification:
// https://vehiclephysics.com/advanced/databus-reference/
// Steering:
// -1.0 full left
// 0.0 center
// +1.0 full right
public void SetSteering (float steering)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Steer, (int)(steering * 10000.0f));
// Throttle: 0.0f to 1.0f
public void SetThrottle (float throttle)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Throttle, (int)(throttle * 10000.0f));
// Brake: 0.0f to 1.0f
public void SetBrake (float brake)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Brake, (int)(brake * 10000.0f));
// Handbrake: 0.0f to 1.0f
public void SetHandbrake (float handbrake)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Handbrake, (int)(handbrake * 10000.0f));
// Clutch: 0.0f to 1.0f
public void SetClutch (float clutch)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Clutch, (int)(clutch * 10000.0f));
// Current positions of the pedals
// These are the "physical" pedal positions, but they don't necessarily represent the
// input being applied to the vehicle. For example, the gas pedal may not be pressed but the
// engine could be receiving throttle from cruise control or self-driving systems.
// Positions may also be set here instead of calling the methods above
// Throttle: 0.0f to 1.0f
public float throttlePedal
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return Mathf.Clamp01(vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input, InputData.Throttle));
// Brake: 0.0f to 1.0f
public float brakePedal
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return Mathf.Clamp01(vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input, InputData.Brake));
// Clutch: 0.0f to 1.0f
public float clutchPedal
if (vehicle == null) return 0.0f;
return Mathf.Clamp01(vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input, InputData.Clutch));
// Switching modes in the automatic transmission may require additional conditions.
// - If "Strict P Mode" is enabled in the Gearbox section, then brakes must be pressed to
// enter or leave the P mode.
// - Engaging D from R or vice-versa requires the car to be stopped.
// - No effect if the vehicle has a manual transmission
// The numbers sent to the data bus are taken from the data bus specification:
// https://vehiclephysics.com/advanced/databus-reference/
// D1 to D5 modes are rarely used so they're excluded from this utility component.
[ContextMenu("Set Automatic Mode M")]
public void SetAutomaticModeM ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, 0);
[ContextMenu("Set Automatic Mode P")]
public void SetAutomaticModeP ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, 1);
[ContextMenu("Set Automatic Mode R")]
public void SetAutomaticModeR ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, 2);
[ContextMenu("Set Automatic Mode N")]
public void SetAutomaticModeN ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, 3);
[ContextMenu("Set Automatic Mode D")]
public void SetAutomaticModeD ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, 4);
[ContextMenu("Toggle Automatic Mode P")]
public void ToggleAutomaticModeP ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
if (automaticMode == Gearbox.AutomaticGear.P)
// Switch to the next or previous automatic gear mode with these rules:
// - Will switch the sequence R - N - D modes only.
// - From P will always switch to N.
// - Won't engage P - the SetAutomaticModeP method must be called explicitly for that.
[ContextMenu("Set Next Automatic Mode")]
public void SetNextAutomaticMode ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// This is a different way for accessing a channel in the bus.
// It's useful when accesing several values or modifying existing values.
int[] inputChannel = vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input);
// Get current value, apply the selection logic, and send the new value.
int currentMode = inputChannel[InputData.AutomaticGear];
int newMode = currentMode;
if (currentMode == 1) // P
newMode = 3; // N
if (currentMode < 4) // D
inputChannel[InputData.AutomaticGear] = newMode;
[ContextMenu("Set Previous Automatic Mode")]
public void SetPreviousAutomaticMode ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// This is a different way for accessing a channel in the bus.
// It's useful when accesing several values or modifying existing values.
int[] inputChannel = vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input);
// Get current value, apply the selection logic, and send the new value.
int currentMode = inputChannel[InputData.AutomaticGear];
int newMode = currentMode;
if (currentMode == 1) // P
newMode = 3; // N
if (currentMode > 2) // R
inputChannel[InputData.AutomaticGear] = newMode;
// Engage a specific gear
// 0 Neutral gear
// > 0 Forward gears
// < 0 Reverse gears
// In auto-shift or automatic modes the requested gear may not be engaged if it doesn't
// fit within the configured rpm range.
public void SetGear (int gear)
if (vehicle == null) return;
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.ManualGear, gear);
// Shifting gears up / down in manual transmission or in the M mode of automatic transmissions
// This value accumulates to any existing value in the bus. It's reset to 0 when the gear
// shift request has been aknowledged by the gearbox.
// This way this method may be called twice (or more) quickly, meaning shifting two gears up
// or down at once.
[ContextMenu("Shift Gear Up")]
public void ShiftGearUp ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// This is a different way for accessing a channel in the bus.
// It's useful when accesing several values or modifying existing values.
int[] inputChannel = vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input);
inputChannel[InputData.GearShift] += 1;
[ContextMenu("Shift Gear Down")]
public void ShiftGearDown ()
if (vehicle == null) return;
// This is a different way for accessing a channel in the bus.
// It's useful when accesing several values or modifying existing values.
int[] inputChannel = vehicle.data.Get(Channel.Input);
inputChannel[InputData.GearShift] -= 1;
// Component's OnEnable
public override void OnEnableVehicle ()
// Set default values
if (setAutomaticGear)
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.AutomaticGear, (int)automaticGearMode);
// Brakes may also be necessary to set P mode, so they're applied in this case.
if (pressBrakes || setAutomaticGear && automaticGearMode == Gearbox.AutomaticGear.P)
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Brake, 10000);
m_engineStarting = false;
if (startEngine)
// Component's per-frame update. "vehicle" is guaranteed to be non-null here.
// The engine start procedure is performed in both UpdateVehicle and FixedUpdateVehicle
// after the default time to ensure any other settings coming from other input scripts
// are overriden.
public override void UpdateVehicle ()
public override void FixedUpdateVehicle ()
public override int GetUpdateOrder ()
// Execute after the input components (0) for overriding the input
return 50;
void StartEngineProcedure ()
if (m_engineStarting)
// Ensure manual gear is neutral and move the ignition key to Start.
// When the engine starts the key is moved back to Acc-On
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.ManualGear, 0);
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Key, 1);
if (isEngineStarted)
vehicle.data.Set(Channel.Input, InputData.Key, 0);
m_engineStarting = false;